Parents' Evenings
USH uses an online booking system for our parents evenings. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers; once you have completed the booking process you will receive an email confirming your appointments.
For booking, please go to:
Appointments may take place via Video Appointments. Video appointments can be accessed on any device with an up to date web-browser, such as a smartphone, tablet or laptop. We recommend you sign into the system and test your camera, microphone and speakers before the evening starts.
A guide on how to book and attend video appointments can be found here.
It is also possible to invite an additional parent/guardian to join your video appointments, instructions are in the guide above.
We look forward to seeing you at the evening and would appreciate any feedback you may have on the booking system.
Crèche Facility (For Parents of Years 7 and 8 only)
USH offers a crèche facility, free of charge, during its Parents Evening for Year 7 and 8 students. A crèche is not offered for other Parents Evenings or other school events. We hope that this will enable all our parents to attend the evening without the worry of childcare for younger siblings. The childcare cost will be met in full by the school; our only proviso is that parents must stay on site whilst their children are booked into the free session.
The group will run from 4-7.30pm and will be able to take 9 children at any one time (places will be offered on a first come basis). The age category is restricted to Infant and Junior school aged children – no babies or pre-school children can be accepted into the session. They will have a selection of games and will offer a planned art activity.
You will be able to book your childcare online using the same system that you will be using to book your teacher appointments. The crèche is shown as a separate event and we have broken down the evening into three sessions: 4-5pm, 5-6pm and 6-7.30pm. To coincide with the timing of your appointments we fully appreciate that it may be necessary to book two of the hour slots for each child. Parents can book for a maximum of three children per session.
Parents will need to complete a booking form ahead of the evening; this will capture basic child and medical information. You can either download this below, or we will email you a form on completion of your online booking.
For booking please click here.